I will Meditate

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1 Chronicles 29: Let's End with Prayer

As the chronicler’s first work comes to and end, he records a prayer by David that can help us to learn how to talk to Jehovah about His good faithfulness and our desire to honor Him. It would be wonderful to be in such a good spiritual condition at the end of life that we can thank Him for having brought us through life so well. Then, we can die in honor as David did.

1 Chronicles 28: David to Solomon - from God

David’s instructions for his son came not only from his own good heart, they came from the God of Israel This detailed account includes the tender encouragement of this father for his son to be strong and courageous in doing the work that was set before him. It would be good for fathers today to learn how to use this balanced approach in encouraging their sons and daughters to live devotedly before God.

1 Chronicles 27: Every Year, Every Month, Every Day

Israel had a king. That meant that Israel’s people would have to do the business of a kingdom—every day of every month of every year as long as the kingdom lasted. Twelve divisions of men were appointed to serve the king one month at a time in whatever issues came before them. This was right, fair, and important (vv. 1-15). The author continues with more organizational information in the rest of the chapter. If the people did what God wanted, He would keep blessing them (v. 23). But they did not—and they fell from His grace (1 Corinthians 10:1-12).

1 Chronicles 26: I Would Gladly Be a Gatekeeper

What if your family line put you in the part of the tribe of Levi that meant your occupation would be a gatekeeper at the temple? Would you choose to learn the Bible well enough to humbly accept your role and serve in gladness? Would you whine and murmur about it for your whole life? Would you just choose to leave your post and live the life of the world? Think about such things as you read through the chapter (also, note Psalm 84:10).

1 Chronicles 25: Making Music

Music is one of the great features of this world—the music of birds, children, worship—and even the music that entertains us. It is filled with messages, soul-stirring melodies, soothing notes—there is no end to it. Music was to be part of the temple services, too. And it was to be done according to the pattern that God authorized. Our music—as part of our worship—is also backed by a pattern from Christ (John 4:24; Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16-17).

1 Chronicles 24: The Honor of Assigned Duties

Our acceptable approach to God in worship has always involved knowing what He wants us to do. Doing what He wants involves a lot of individual responsibilities for all worshippers, whether we are leading this worship or not. Verse 19 makes this point very well as it describes the assigned duties that were important for temple worship. This basic point helps us to understand that worship is not random acts offered in the midst of “mass confusion” (1 Corinthians 14:40).

1 Chronicles 23: Every Morning - Likewise the Evening

Things changed in Israel when God had a permanent house (the temple). There would be no need for the Levites to move the tabernacle from place to place (as they had been doing for nearly 500 years since Sinai). So what would they do? Verse 30 gives part of the answer—and what a great privilege they were given. Every morning—and likewise in the evening, they were to stand, giving thanks and praise to the Lord! This was every day—and we have the right to do this as God’s priesthood today (Hebrews 3:12-13; 1 Peter 2:5-9).

1 Chronicles 22: Temple Time

David had been a warrior for the Lord. The bloodshed of David’s lifetime meant that God would not allow him to build the temple. David submitted to this decision and directed his energies to making preparations for the work of building (which was given to his son Solomon). Even with all of this work, it still took years to finish the temple. A good lesson for us to think on is how important our work is as we “get things ready” for those who come after us. Let us make their load lighter even if we have to give up our own dreams.

1 Chronicles 21: Consequences

David’s choice to number (count) the people was displeasing to God (2 Samuel 24) and it involved the will of Satan, as this reading shows. Whatever was wrong with it was so serious that the consequences reached into the lives of tens of thousands of the Israelites. My friend, consequences are real—let us think before we act—and let this chapter teach us a lesson about consequences that we never forget.

1 Chronicles 20: In the Spring

In Ancient times, the spring was the time for war. Yuk! Are we so tied to the earth that we allow ourselves to repeat foolish things year after year just because “it is that time of the year again”? Short chapter—short meditation—hard lesson.

1 Chronicles 19: The Rejection of True Kindness

The Bible clearly implies that David wanted to show kindness to the family of a king who had been kind to him. This other king had died, and the heart of David went out to them. But some of the new king’s leaders judged David sinfully and created a situation that could easily have turned into a war. You can read that part for yourself—but be sure to learn how dangerous it is to judge someone else’s heart—especially when they clearly mean to be kind toward you!

1 Chronicles 18: David - The Soldier

It is a sad truth that God’s people always have had enemies. In Israel, those enemies were often the pagan nations who lived nearby, even within Israel’s borders. David fought and won many battles as a soldier of God. Spiritually, the church has many enemies, too. So, we should not be surprised to learn that we are an army (Ephesians 6:10-20). Our goal is to honor our King and make His enemies become His friends as we use the Bible to lead them to Christ.

1 Chronicles 17: Nathan - The Prophet

There were times when David received information directly from God (2 Samuel 23:2). There were other times when he learned by reading the law of the Lord (Psalm 19:7-11). And there were times when a prophet told him the will of God. Nathan, who appears now and then in the Bible—was truly a major player in David’s life. Here, he is the one who helps David formulate his plan for a temple for Jehovah (which was later built by his son, Solomon). Let us be humble servants like Nathan so we can be of help to those who do great works for Our God.

1 Chronicles 16: Let Us Give Thanks

The song of thanksgiving can serve as a great meditation today. It is actually a combination of two of the psalms (105 and 96). It is about thanksgiving. It is also a lesson on how many uses the Bible has. Psalm 105 is a unit with its own lessons; Psalm 96 is a unit with its own lessons; and this combination of them is a unit with its own lessons.

1 Chronicles 15: More About the Ark

The earlier chapter about the ark could have been avoided if the rules regarding it had been followed. The lesson had been learned—too late for Uzzah—but learned by the survivors. Carrying the ark according to the rules of God led to decisions to do other things correctly, too. A lesson for us? How about learning from their error to make fewer errors?

1 Chronicles 14: Like a Bursting Flood

The King James word in verse 11 is “Baalperazim.” It means “the Lord bursts out.” God had worked through David to burst out and defeat the enemies—the Philistines. David knew he played a role in this victory, but when it came to giving credit for it—He gave it all to God. The result was that the place received a new name—Baalperazim. Do we give God this kind of glory when He works through us today (Ephesians 3:20-21)?

1 Chronicles 13: A Short Story About the Ark

This chapter is over almost as quickly as it begins. The ark of the covenant has a major role here—the people have a greater role—and God has the greatest role. How well do we deal with the physical things that come into and go out of our lives? How does God view our respect or lack of respect for His laws regarding the things in our lives?

1 Chronicles 12: If You Have Come...

Why we do things has to do with our motives—our innermost reasons. These motives are related to what kind of people we really are. Verse 17 of this reading addresses the motives of some men who came to meet David. His wisdom led him to know that motives are important, that he did not know enough to judge their motives (yet), and that he expected them to have good motives. What a great theme for a meditation!

1 Chronicles 11: David Reigns

When Jacob was near the end of his life, he prophesied the futures of his sons. Shiloh—the One Who would be a ruler Who brought rest—would come through Judah (Genesis 49:10). The royal line of Judah began with its first king, David. And the reign of this man whose royal line ends with Jesus Christ began in this reading.

1 Chronicles 10: Benjamin's Tragedy in Saul

Our reading now goes from genealogies to historical narratives. The final events of the lives of Saul and his sons (first told at the end of 1 Samuel) is given in this short chapter. The promising beginning of Saul’s reign ended in disaster and an apparent victory for the lifeless gods of the Philistines. Think seriously as you read verses 13 and 14 a few times.

1 Chronicles 9: A Reference to Babylon

Most of this chapter tells us about people who came back to the land after the Babylonian captivity. Note that some of them were from tribes of the north which are mistakenly referred to as the “ten lost tribes” (v. 3). The “ten lost tribes” are part of the millennial theory that falsely claims that God will someday restore them to the land for a thousand years. Actually, they exercised that option a long time ago when the captivity ended. The chapter ends with a repetition of the family tree of Saul (vv. 35-44; see 8:29-38).

1 Chronicles 8: Then There Was Benjamin

Although Benjamin was mentioned briefly in chapter 7, the chronicler chose to devote a longer section to his family here. This tribe is known for its depravity (in Judges 17-21) and for being the tribe of the first king, Saul (who was humble at the beginning of his reign). One of the most honorable men of the Old Testament was Saul’s son and David’s friend, Jonathan.

1 Chronicles 7: More of the 12 Tribes

All of the tribes were important to the success of God’s mission for the sons of Jacob, even though the focus was mainly on Judah and Levi. So, the information here is brief. Notice how much attention is paid to the number of men in these tribes who were warriors. What would life on earth be like if all people would quit learning how to go to war? The fact that some will not love peace makes it essential for the rest to be on guard. This is also true spiritually (Ephesians 6:10-20).

1 Chronicles 6: Now for the Priests

The work of the Levites as the priestly tribe involved a number of jobs and responsibilities that were very specific. The design was to keep worship pure and help all of the tribes to remain faithful in their devotion to Jehovah (Deuteronomy 33:8-11). Even with their detailed set of instructions, Levi failed. Levi failed—as much as—or even more than—any other tribe in Israel. When God gives us great responsibilities, He expects us to understand that there is a great price to pay if we do not carry them out faithfully.

1 Chronicles 5: Two and a Half Tribes

This reading reminds us of the tribes that were granted their request to occupy land on the eastern side of the Jordan. This chapter is more than a genealogy as it tells us of some of their successes and failures after they received their inheritance. They were finally part of the captivity that resulted from the invasion by the Assyrians. This was God’s judgment on them (v. 26).

1 Chronicles 4: What About Jabez?

This man is only mentioned in verses 9 and 10 of this chapter (there is a town with this name in 1 Chronicles 2:55). He is not mentioned in the genealogy. A few years ago, he got a lot of attention when a book was written with his name in the title. I have not read the book, but his prayer is touching, and he is called more honorable than his brothers. Meditate on his character, his prayer, and the fact that God granted his request.

1 Chronicles 3: Now We Come to David

Who is in your family tree? Reading through David’s family, we might call it “the good, the bad, and the ugly.” The Bible does not distort reality. We might as well accept the whole truth about David’s family and learn the lessons that God wants us to learn. Now let’s look at our own family tree—what can we learn—who can we imitate—who can we help—and who can help us to be better family members?

1 Chronicles 2: It Goes Through Judah

The genealogies in the Bible are not the same as the “endless genealogies” that are used to create questions and strife in 1 Timothy 1:4. Those in the Bible serve very important purposes. One of those purposes is to show us that God fulfilled His promise to provide redemption for us by going through Judah, one of the 12 sons of Jacob (Hebrews 7:14). This chapter establishes that link. It also mentions the names of people whose stories have already been told. Meditate briefly on them as you read.

1 Chronicles 1: Adam Is First

The two books of chronicles are a review and a supplement to everything in the Old Testament from Genesis through 2 Kings. The early chapters of 1 Chronicles are a genealogy that begins with the first man on earth—Adam. The Bible makes no apology for its presentation of the origin, progression, fall, and history of the human race. It also clearly teaches that our origin is based in the truth that God made us in His Own image, and He expects us to learn of Him. Then we are supposed to love Him enough to follow all of His ways. Adam did not, and look at what happened.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2 Kings 25: For the Rest of His Life

In year 37 of the captivity, the king of Babylon pardoned Judah’s king Jehoiachin and released him from prison. No explanation is given, but this lasted “for the rest of his life.” One thing is for sure—by allowing him to live, it continued the line of the royal family of David (as God had promised) which remained until the birth of King Jesus (see Matthew 1-2).

2 Kings 24: It Is Babylon's Turn

Almost as quickly as the “Back to the Bible” movement got on track, it was derailed by more evil kings. God, Who is “slow to anger,” had enough. A new empire, Babylon,was in the conquering mood, and God was going to use Babylon and its king, Nebuchadnezzar, to invade Judah three times and take the people into captivity for 70 years. The law of the Lord had been rejected again, so the predictions of Moses and Solomon had to come to pass (Deuteronomy 28; 1 Kings 8).


2 Kings 23: Back to the Bible

Should we go back to the Bible? If so, how do we do it? What do we do? When should we start? Who should be involved? As these people learned what was in the law of God, they learned what they needed to do in answering all of the above questions. The answer to the first question for our times is, “Yes” (2 Timothy 3:14-4:5). The answers to all of the other questions are also in the Bible (Colossians 3:17).


2 Kings 22: Huldah

Josiah became king when he was 8. Shortly, the book of the law of the Lord was found and he learned that it had not been obeyed for many years. He wanted to know what God wanted them to do about it. So he sent five men, including the high priest, to a woman named Huldah. She, by revelation from God, told them what the will of the Lord was, and she told them what to say to the king. This was the beginning of a great movement in Judah away from the errors of the past centuries.


2 Kings 21: 12 + 55 + Repentance = ?

I don’t know why the child of godly parents sometimes turns to sin—even to the most corrupt manner of life. Manasseh had a godly father, Hezekiah. Manasseh became king at 12—an age when most children are still very innocent. He chose to spend most of the next 55 years living one of the most evil lives of all times. But in 2 Chronicles 33:10-20, a remarkable paragraph is given to remind us that this man truly repented of his evils and was forgiven by God. Don’t ever doubt the ability of God to forgive you—He does not want you to perish (2 Peter 3:9).


2 Kings 20: I Will Defend This City

Getting sick—very sick—can make or break a person as they react to it. Hezekiah chose to turn to God in prayer and ask for His help. The answer was immediate—God had heard! He was going to deliver His city from Assyria and He was going to add 15 years to Hezekiah’s life. God’s answers to the prayers of the faithful are always good even though they are not always the same. He may or may not extend your life, but He will not leave you.


2 Kings 19: Isaiah Speaks for Jehovah

As the threats of Assyria’s king Sennacherib escalated against Judah and King Hezekiah, Hezekiah turned to Jehovah in prayer. God answered through Isaiah. No matter how intimidating the enemies of God may appear to be, they are no more than flies to the Living God. His response was to send an angel—ONE ANGEL—against Assyria’s army. He struck down 185,000 soldiers in one night. Let us meditate on His promises when we are in trouble (see Romans 8:28-39).


2 Kings 18: Assyria Attacks Again

The fact that God had used Assyria as the rod of His anger against the north (Isaiah 10:5) did not mean that Assyria was invincible or that their king could win in a battle against Jehovah. But the power of pride in its brash, evil mind-set is revealed in this chapter. The spokesman for Assyria (the Rabshakeh) speaks in such a way as to show us this wicked spirit. Let us choose to be known as humble people rather than its opposite as seen in Assyria.


2 Kings 17: The End of the Ways of Jeroboam

According to the traditional chronology of the kings, it has been 253 years since the kingdom split at the end of Solomon’s reign (975 BC-722 BC). Through the reigns of 19 kings, the specific agenda of Jeroboam has been followed each step of the way. Finally, the “God Who is slow to anger” has had enough. Read it and weep. Read it and be thankful that He is “slow to anger” (Jonah 3:4). Read it and choose to trust God better than you ever have—from now on.



2 Kings 16: Ahaz of Judah

After the sordid stories of chapter 15, we go back south where the good kings were. Ahaz, the son of good king Jotham, comes to the throne. And then—he chooses to walk in the ways of the kings of the north! This is the king to whom Isaiah made the prophecy of the virgin birth of Jesus (Isaiah 7). The depravity of this man and his reign is all the more disgusting when we remind ourselves that he—as we—had two clear choices and he chose wrong—he chose sin.


2 Kings 15: King After King After King

This reading begins and ends with good kings in the south (Azariah and Jotham). In between are six more evil kings of the north. The situation there was deteriorating rapidly as their doom came closer and closer, and their reigns were relatively short. Think about the good and bad effects our leaders can have on us—and how we can affect them for bad or good.

                 North #14—Zechariah—6 months—murdered

                 North #15—Shallum—1 month—murdered

                 North #16—Menahem—10 years—died

                 North #17—Pekahiah—2 years—murdered

                 North #18—Pekah—20 years—murdered

                 North #19—Hoshea—9 years—captivity begins


2 Kings 14: Right - but Not Like David

It is not uncommon today to hear of someone’s being called an “icon.” David was a person whose heart and life would make him an icon—someone to be admired and imitated. Although we might not reach the heights of those whom we admire, their example spurs us on through life. Amaziah was a great man even though he was not totally like David. So, this chapter begins with such lofty ideals and examples. Don’t forget this, because it ends with another Jeroboam—who walked in the sins of the first Jeroboam. No one should ever walk in the footsteps of either Jeroboam.


2 Kings 13: Seek the Lord's Favor

One of the rare events in the history of the north is in verse 4—their king sought the favor of Jehovah. Jehovah’s response was to send an unnamed deliverer to rescue the north. Sadly, Jehoahaz did not leave the paths of Jeroboam which were now well-established ways. But let’s meditate on this important attitude—a sinner wanted the Lord’s favor—and even in this sinful setting—the Lord granted it. Don’t ever think that the grace of God is out of reach.


2 Kings 12: King and Priest

The king from Judah (Joash) and the priest from Levi (Jehoiada) worked together to do the will of God. There was so much that was wrong in Judah that it took a long time, a lot of money, and a tremendous amount of work to do it. The work was done faithfully (with integrity; v. 15). But all of this did not keep the good king from being murdered by wicked men after a forty-year reign. Let us learn to be ready for the end of life—get ready and stay ready!


2 Kings 11: A Queen Takes Over

If you thought Jezebel was evil, let me introduce you to Athaliah—a murdering woman who attempted to wipe out the royal line after her son died (he was evil, reigned one year, and was killed by Jehu). But the high priest’s wife hid one of the boys, and—after six years—he became king (Joash). Athaliah was brought down by the high priest, Jehoiada, who restored the worship of Jehovah and made the seven year old Joash king. Thus, the promise of the royal line through Judah continued (Genesis 49:10).


2 Kings 10: Let's Think About Jehu

Jehu was the tenth king of the north. He, although violent, was used by God to bring judgment upon a number of evil people, including Jezebel. He also rejected and destroyed Baal worship in his kingdom. But he did not leave the path of Jeroboam. God made promises to him for the good things that he did (v. 30), but he still did not serve God with his whole heart (v. 31). I am sure that it would be good for us to meditate on how easy it is to please God by doing right, how important it is to give Him our whole heart, and how unimportant it is to judge Jehu (Matthew 7:1-5).


2 Kings 9: Jezebel Reaps

It would be possible to meditate on the law of sowing and reaping while reading any chapter in the Bible. It is part of the whole fabric of what life on earth is all about. But sometimes it is displayed in a sudden, powerful, and even graphic way. In this reading we meet up with Jezebel again (we will meet her “look-alike” in Revelation!). Here, the prediction of her fall came to pass. Use it to examine yourself in view of your own accountability before the Lord of all.


2 Kings 8: A Great Woman, Part Two

There are many people whose story is told in one place. Sometimes, however, the Holy Spirit gives us another chapter in someone's life. Today, we have such a lesson about the great woman of chapter 4. She is still a great—obedient—woman. So after being warned of a famine and escaping it by the word of the prophet, she has her blessings restored to her after the famine ended. Simple, beautiful, and thought-provoking, right?


2 Kings 7: Aram Loses


Israel could take no credit for the defeat of Aram (Syria). God did it by Himself (vv. 5-7). Aram could not justify its rebellion by pointing the finger at anyone else—not even Israel in its apostasy. All of us bear our own guilt for our own sins. And, God did not defeat Aram because Israel deserved to have its enemy fall. God did it because He chose to glorify His name by having Aram reap as they had sown (Galatians 6:7-8).


2 Kings 6: Aram

Aram (Syria) was a people who descended from Shem, just as Israel had. The friction, hatred, and almost constant warfare in that part of the world has roots that go back at least to the time of Abraham. The fact that the Syrians (Arameans) were almost always on the opposite side of the people of God was tragic and unnecessary. One point that should not be missed is that the war was against Israel (the north) which was the group that followed Jeroboam—how can the world (Syria) learn about God from God’s people if God’s people have fallen away?


2 Kings 5: Behold, I Thought

Leprosy is a horrible disease (so bad that it is used to illustrate what sin can do to us). Naaman was a leader in the army of Syria (Aram) and he had leprosy. He was given a very simple remedy for it by a man of God—“Go wash in the Jordan seven times.” It is all too common for people to get angry when they are given God’s simple and clear remedy for something. Naaman got angry and was talking to himself (“Behold, I thought”: I was talking to myself). Read the story and see how it turned out and why. Then read Mark 16:16 and do it if you haven’t.


2 Kings 4: A Great Woman

Verse 8 in the King James Version refers to the woman of Shunem as a “great” woman. All I ask you to do is to see why the Bible calls her great as you read—take note of as many points as you can find—and imitate her so God can use you in “great” ways, too.


2 Kings 3: Is There a Prophet of Jehovah Here?

The evil king of the north was Joram (or, Jehoram). The righteous king of the south was Jehoshaphat. They, along with Edom’s king, were on their way to put down a rebellion of Moab. When they ran out of water, Joram decided it was a sign that Jehovah was against them. But—and here is the point—Jehoshaphat asked the question that is the title of this meditation. The prophet was Elisha who told them the will of the Lord, and He proceeded to put down the rebellion through them. It always pays for us to learn the will of the Lord, doesn’t it?


2 Kings 2: It Is Appointed Unto Man Once to Die

Physical death for all people is a consequence of the sin in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3; Romans 5). But two people lived in such a way that they did not have to make an appointment with death—Enoch and Elijah. Enoch’s story is in Genesis 5. Elijah’s departure from earth is in today’s reading. As you read, meditate on the kind of life Elijah lived and on the impact this event must have had on Elisha’s life and works. Then, decide that it will change your life for good, too.


2 Kings 1: A Hairy Man with a Leather Belt

Most of the life of Elijah has been covered by now, but here, near its end, we learn more about this rugged man who had “spirit and power” (Luke 1:27). As a man, he had a strong spirit and a powerful life. As a prophet of God, he had the Holy Spirit and the power of His word. In the New Testament, it is easy to be reminded of him every time we read about a similar man: John, the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth.


1 Kings 22: Micaiah

Most great people in the Bible have their stories told very quickly (for example, Abel is only mentioned in 5 places in the entire Bible). One of these great people is the prophet Micaiah in today’s reading. Notice his resolution to only speak the words of Jehovah, his courage in facing the king, his refusal to back down to Ahab, his victory over physical attack, and his confidence in his message.


1 Kings 21: Naboth

Naboth, who appears to be an honorable man standing for his rightful position as a landowner, has the sad fate to be another unjustified source for Ahab’s whining depression because he could not have his way. Worse than that, the wicked Jezebel gets involved and has the honorable man murdered. This was the last straw—God pronounced the doom of this evil pair. Both predictions came true in their deaths. Ahab died in spite of an attempt to disguise himself and Jezebel died in spite of the passing of time (1 Kings 22; 2 Kings 9).


1 Kings 20: Depressed and Dejected

The last verse of this reading tells of Ahab’s emotional state after receiving the judgment of the Lord for his evil ways. The King James says he was “heavy and displeased.” These words mean that he was depressed (without hope) and dejected. This was totally unnecessary, for he could have had true sorrow for his sins which would lead to repentance, forgiveness and peace. In the next chapter, he continued with these same attitudes over his inability to get Naboth’s vineyard (v. 4). We have no record that he ever changed.


1 Kings 19: Forty Days/Forty Nights

This period of time refers to Elijah’s walk to the mount of God: Horeb (where Moses had often gone; Exodus 3:1). Today, no one knows for certain where this, or many other, Bible locations are. But Moses and Elijah knew! God used this experience to teach Elijah that he was not alone and that the way to deal with his fears and discouragement was to view the situation through God’s words. And then, he needed to get back to work. This is exactly what he did.


1 Kings 18: Rain

Living on earth makes us conscious of many things, especially when we are forced to do without them. These include health, shelter, food, clothing, and—in this chapter—rain. God had withheld the rain as an object lesson (17:1). In this reading, God tells Elijah His plan that would end the three and a half years of no rain (James 5:17-18). Learn to lean on the the greatness of God as you meditate through this rather long reading.


1 Kings 17: Elijah

Enter a man who is the opposite of Ahab and Jezebel. The great prophet Elijah becomes God’s arm of teaching and rebuke to Ahab and all of Israel. After the record of the downward spiral of God’s people in the previous chapters, this man becomes a source of relief and hope for us (and all of the faithful of his day). He would also serve as a pattern for another life far in the future: John the Immerser.


1 Kings 16: Ahab

Kings in the north come and go in this chapter until we come to one of the worst of all—Ahab. He did as every king before and after him by walking in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat. But the historian makes an interesting comment about Ahab’s attitude—he did these evils “as if it had been a light thing” (v. 3). We might use the word “trivial” today. There is no such thing as a “trivial” manner of living! His trivial thing included his marriage to one of the most evil women of all times—the idol-worshipping Jezebel.


1 Kings 15: He Walked in Sins

This is the inspired description of the reign of Abijam, son of Rehoboam (and grandson of Solomon). As a matter of fact, he walked in all of the sins of his father. The sad fact is that there are many people who walk in sins because they learn sin from their fathers. This pattern is reproduced all through the Old Testament, with occasional exceptions. Happily, one of the exceptions was this man’s son, Asa, who reigned faithfully for 41 years! Let us pray that children who grow up with evil parents (such as Asa)  will learn the ways of the Lord from someone who knows the truth.


1 Kings 14: Jeroboam Made Israel Sin

Two and a half centuries of sin, through every northern dynasty, began with Jeroboam’s pattern of false worship and evil living. It led to the punishment of the entire nation by the Lord at the hands of Assyria:

                 1 Kings: 14:26; 15:26,30,34; 16:2,19,26,31; 21:22; 22:52

                 2 Kings: 3:3; 10:29,31; 13:2,6,11; 14:24; 15:9,18,24,28; 17:20-23


1 Kings 13: How to Lie and Get Away with It (?)

“But he lied unto him” (v. 18). The prophet of God had obeyed Jehovah, but he allowed himself to be deceived by an older prophet who was a liar. The first prophet lost his life and the liar lived on. So did he get away with it? Although there are unanswered questions in this reading—it does not teach that liars can get away with lies (Numbers 32:23). And don’t miss the point made by the author in the last two verses: after all of this, Jeroboam did not repent. We should think about what it takes to get us to repent when we need to.


1 Kings 12: Rehoboam and Jeroboam - Two Evil Kings

Sin leads to division and division leads to sin. Israel’s desire for a king now results in two kingdoms, and each is headed by an evil king. Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, would reign in sin for 17 years in the south (14:21). Jeroboam, an Ephraimite (descendant of Joseph) had been told that God would give him the tribes of the north (11:29-33). In this reading, he took control of them and immediately led them away from God and their covenant with Him. Two and a half centuries of evil would follow. Evil leaders exist in all times and many places. They do not have to be followed.


1 Kings 11: Solomon - and Sin

Oh, how I wish that this chapter read differently! After all of the pleasant readings in chapters 3-10, the fall of Solomon is unexpected. And it led to the wicked life of his son and its consequences. You can read more of Solomon’s life without God (and what I believe was his statement of repentance) in Ecclesiastes.


1 Kings 10: Solomon - and God's Blessings

The earthly blessings that Solomon received from God were beyond imagination. He gave because Solomon was serving Him, He gave so Solomon could do more to bring glory to God—and all of this is paralleled by the spiritual blessings in the life of a Christian today. Note:
                                  Beatitudes                                Matthew 5
                                  Fruit of the Spirit                      Galatians 5
                                  Christian Graces                        2 Peter 1 


1 Kings 9: Solomon - and God's Promise

Here is one of those readings where God responded in words to His servant. Do you see anything new in what He said to Solomon? By that I mean, are His promises and requirements really any different from all of the ones that came before it in the Old Testament?


1 Kings 8: Solomon - and God's Glory

This chapter and its parallel (2 Chronicles 6) are among the greatest in the entire Old Testament. Meditate on the things that you can learn about God as you read—from His glory to His desire to forgive us when we sin again and again. Then read it again—and meditate on God’s nature some more. Decide to make this a regular reading in your life.


1 Kings 7: Solomon - God's Finisher

I would not be surprised to learn that some of Solomon’s proverbs guided him through the early chapters of 1 Kings. To begin the great work of the temple and not finish it would have put him in the same category as some of the fools of his writing. But he FINISHED. How many unfinished important things are there in my life?


1 Kings 6: Solomon - God's Builder

The building of the temple was a monumental, expensive, and time-consuming task. As you read these details, think about how important it was to do these things well. Also, think about the fact that the Lord has a temple today, too. It deserves to be built with the same dedication and faithfulness (Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Peter 2:1-12).


1 Kings 5: Solomon - God's Man of Peace

David’s reign had been one of war, now there was no war—so there was rest. Peace extended to David’s friend, Hiram of Tyre. This allowed Solomon to proceed in the planning and building of the temple—a house for the Lord. Let us learn to be ready to implement plans that promote the cause of God whenever a time of peace is upon us in society and the church. What a shame it is when the church is at war with itself while the world is largely at peace!


1 Kings 4: Solomon - God's Author

Although none of Solomon’s proverbs (3,000) or songs (1,005) are in this reading, we have some of them in three other books (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon). God inspired him, Solomon wrote, and then God chose the ones He wanted preserved for all time.


1 Kings 3: Solomon - Still a Child

In verse 7, Solomon refers to himself as a “little child” (KJV). My opinion was that he was a teenager. He was the earthly king of a lineage that was to end with the King of Kings—Jesus Christ (Luke 1). Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36); Solomon’s was. He really needed help in order to do this well, and his humble beginning, acknowledged by his words in this reading, can help us to teach our “little children” that great lives are built on humility.


1 Kings 2: Death to Joab

Among the last words of David is a clear statement that he knew Joab was a murderer. It was important for him to reap as he had sown, not to mention the possibility that he might continue murdering if Solomon did not stop him. So he did. This was part of the foundation for future peace for the throne of David.


1 Kings 1: Who Should Follow David

Someone said, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Moving from one generation to another in a monarchy involves plotting, lying, murder, and other sorts of political intrigue. These things took place even when the kingdom was the Lord’s. This is another place where meditating on self-will could be very helpful.


Friday, August 3, 2012

2 Samuel 24: This Is the Place

In this chapter, David obtains the location for the temple that his son would build (2 Chronicles 3:1). It was Mount Moriah, the same place where Abraham took Isaac (Genesis 22), and where Jesus would be put on trial at the end of His life. What a place—what memories—what a way to begin a meditation.

2 Samuel 23:Valiant Men - Fight for the Lord

After David’s song ends (v. 7), the author gives a list of the mighty men of David along with some of their stories. Valiant (mighty) comes from the same Hebrew word as virtue (Ruth 3:11; Proverbs 31:10). It expresses something about the kind of warrior a certain man was, just as it expresses the character of the woman Ruth when it is translated “virtuous.” Let us be valiant men and virtuous women in the army of the Lord today (Ephesians 6:10-20).

2 Samuel 22: Let Us Sing

When God designed us, He made it possible for us to learn to have music in our souls and to express it with words. This world is filled with music. We are impressed with the music of birds, musicians, singers, little children, and various cultures. God wants to hear us sing, and David’s songs (psalms) are the source of many of the songs we sing today. So, when the song leader says, “Let us sing,” let us sing!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

2 Samuel 21: You Reap After You Sow

Hundreds of years earlier, Israel had made a covenant with the Gibeonites (Joshua 9). A few decades before today’s reading, Saul had broken that covenant. Now, his family would reap what he had sown. It is a tragic reading (vv. 1-9), but it reminds me that my grandchildren could pay a high price someday for my sins. They will not bear the guilt of my sins, but they could reap the consequences. I will use this truth to decide not to sow any “wild oats” that they might have to reap (Exodus 20:4-6).

2 Samuel 20: Joab: Cold-Blooded Murderer

The more I read about Joab, one of David’s warriors, the more I am convinced that he was just a cold-blooded murderer. Today, he would probably be called a serial killer. One thing to learn from this is that a person can be a serial killer in the church—I don’t mean that he actually kills people. What he does is worse. He kills reputations, he kills unity, he kills brotherly love, he kills evangelism, he kills hope. There are many New Testament warnings against the “Joabs” in the church (2 John; Titus 3; 1 Timothy 1; Galatians 1-6; 2 Peter 2; Jude). And beware of his sword—which is almost always the Bible—used for sinful purposes.

2 Samuel 19: Harsher Words

More than half a century would pass from this story to the time when God’s nation divided into the North and the South. But often the seeds that we sow spiritually take that long to begin producing. Someone deserved credit for restoring David’s kingdom to him after his son’s rebellion failed. Israel (North) and Judah (South) both made their claims. At the end of the chapter, we are told that the words of Judah were harsher (fiercer) than those of Israel. There are many ways to settle differences, but in this case they could have settled it by giving the credit to God for the continuance of David’s kingdom. Oh, well...

2 Samuel 18: Is There Any News...About My Son?

Most fathers really do love their sons. They love them even when they make a lifetime of terrible choices. They would give anything to change the outcome that they see coming. They grieve over any part that they have played in the paths that their sons are taking. The writer of 2 Samuel has made it clear that David’s sins were linked to the fall of his sons, that their sins were their own choices, and that the end of their paths would be ruin. Absalom has given us no reason to hold out hope for him—but David was clinging to hope anyway (He was his father!). So don’t expect this meditation to be on all the good results (there were none for David)—but use it as a warning.

2 Samuel 17: Pick Your Wise Men Wisely

This chapter is full of advisors and advice for Absalom who had already chosen an evil path. He rejected the good advice, followed the bad advice—and set the course for his downfall. God was not going to allow him to win this war (v. 14). David’s son was marching toward ruin. It often seems easy to view a situation from the sidelines and predict the outcome—but those in the game often miss the signs—not because they cannot see—but because they will not look. Absalom would not look to God. He was therefore headed to ruin. Our sins will find us out (Numbers 32:23).

2 Samuel 16: My Advice: Sin All You Can

One of the paragraphs in this chapter is the advice that a man gave to Absalom—a son of David who wanted to take the kingdom from his father. His name was Ahithopel, and in verse 21, he pretty much says that his advice for gaining control of the people was to sin against his father as much as he could and to do it in public so everyone would know. Amazingly, this man was not only a respected counselor of Absalom—he was also an advisor to David! A better counselor for anyone is the word of God. “Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counsellors” (Psalm 119:24).

2 Samuel 15: The Factors of Self-Will

I was once asked what I thought was the greatest problem facing the church. I answered that it was what it has always been: “Self-willed men.” The very term “self-will” ought to help us to see how evil it is. Chapters such as the one before us today are loaded with examples of the features—and evils—of self-will. See how many you can note. Learn from this that it makes sense for the Bible to teach that we cannot be self-willed if we want to please God (2 Peter 2:10).

2 Samuel 14: A Spiritual Soap Opera

We don’t need the fiction of today’s soap operas to know how devious and evil people can be to one another, especially within our families. The cleverness, deceit, backstabbing, and lying in this reading have their roots in David’s adultery (chapter 11). And this “episode” is the basis of more tragedy to come. The only way to keep things from getting worse was to learn and do the will of God (Deuteronomy 10:12-13). But that is not what they did.

2 Samuel 13: Others Reap What We Sow

Nathan predicted that trouble would come to David’s house as a result of his sin. This does not mean that God made these people sin. It is a part of the law of sowing and reaping—we reap what we sow, we reap more than we sow, we reap longer than we sow, and others reap what we sow. The terrible example that David set was the example that his children followed—rather than his usual manner or even his writings (in the Psalms). People will make their choices on the basis of what you and I do! Those who are closest to us have the right—they need to see us doing right! Weep as you read about the reaping here.

2 Samuel 12: Parables Are Easy - Or Are They?

The prophet Nathan is sent to David with a message in the form of a parable. David easily interprets it—but then come the hard parts. Note some: The courage Nathan needed to apply the meaning to David, the realizations that David had to accept about his sins, the punishment he would suffer for his sins, the consequences in the lives of all who were involved, and the lessons we may need to learn and accept in our own lives.

2 Samuel 11: War with Temptation

God allows us to be tested, even tempted, but never without an escape path (1 Corinthians 10:1-13). Each of these temptations is a battle in a war, and some are more difficult than others. As an individual, David failed repeatedly in this reading. He yielded to more than one temptation. As you meditate during the reading, think of things David could have done better than what he actually did. And remember that what he did was evil to the Lord (v. 27).

2 Samuel 10: War with Pagans

During David’s reign, idolatrous groups were all around and among the Israelites. War with them was inevitable if Israel wanted to honor the God of Hosts. Today, the church is in a similar situation. The war we fight is on a spiritual plane with goals such as: honoring the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, defeating the adversary (satan), winning the war of truth versus error, and leading non-believers to the foot of the cross. Let this reading help you to see how serious this is (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).

2 Samuel 9: Mephibosheth

This man was the son of Jonathan and grandson of Saul. David, the man after God’s Own heart, wanted to be kind to any who survived the slaughter of Saul’s family. This short chapter can help us to meditate on such things as the golden rule, vengeance, letting our light shine, and the need to search for opportunities to treat others with genuine kindness.

2 Samuel 8: Who Made Him Victorious?

This is a description of David’s victories against those who were also the enemies of God. The New Testament teaches us that we can and will have victories against the enemies of God today as we obey Jesus Our King (1 John 5:1-5). But the author of 2 Samuel does not give supreme credit to David for these victories. Twice, he reminds us of this (verses 6,14): “And the Lord preserved David (made David victorious) whithersoever he went.”

2 Samuel 7: If You Don't Remember Anything Else...

What a chapter! First, God made a promise about the future regarding His kingdom. It would involve a son of David. This prediction is used in Luke 1 and Acts 2 to show that it is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Second, there is a great song of thanksgiving by David. Note how much of this song is David’s thankfulness for the things He knows and believes about the nature, promises, and acts of God. So, if you don’t remember any other chapter in 2 Samuel, remember chapter 7.

2 Samuel 6: We Need to Move This Ark

The ark of the covenant was supposed to be in the Most Holy Place of the tabernacle, but it wasn’t. Whenever it was to be moved, it was to be done according to God’s instructions (Exodus 25:10-14). These men did not follow the instructions, so when Uzzah thought that the ark needed to be stabilized, he touched it. God was displeased with this breach of His authority, and Uzzah paid for it with his life (see 1 Chronicles 13). God does expect us to honor Him according to the “due order,” which is what they finally did (1 Chronicles 15:12-15). Pleasing God depends on doing what He said He wants us to do (John 8:29).

2 Samuel: The City of David

This is the chapter that tells how the city of Jerusalem became the capital of the kingdom. It has remained as one of the most prominent cities on earth ever since. Bethlehem is called “the city of David” in the New Testament (Luke 2:4). Both places are prominent in Jesus’ life and work, too. He was also born in Bethlehem and He inaugurated His kingdom in Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-47). And just as the “God of hosts” was with David (2 Samuel 5:10), so He is with His Son in the “heavenly Jerusalem” (Hebrews 12:18-29).

2 Samuel 4: Don't You Get It? This is NOT Good News!

Abner’s murder now leads to the bold murder of a son of Saul (Ishbosheth) by two men of his own tribe. They thought that this would be good news to David (as the man who told him that Saul and Jonathan were dead in chapter 1), so they even took the murdered man’s head to David. Again, the heart of David was misunderstood—It was not good news to hear that a righteous man was slain in his own bed (v. 11). How can we let our thoughts stray so far from right-thinking that we miss the truth of God and the evidence of the holy hearts of others so easily?

2 Samuel 3: Revenge Is Not "So Sweet"

Abner killed Asahel in chapter 2. But Asahel had a brother who was a killer—not just a soldier. His name was Joab. He was the kind of man who would get vengeance, and the passing of time was no big deal. Abner helped to make peace between Saul’s side and David’s side. David honored him for it. Joab, leader of David’s army, found out about it, took him aside to “talk to him”—and murdered him. “A prince and a great man” fell that day, according to David (v. 38). But Joab kept his position. We will meet him again. Beware of those whose hearts have revenge in them (Romans 12:19-21).

2 Samuel 2: He Died Right There

Second Samuel is filled with stories of death, murder, adultery, deceit, and self-will. Most of the dishonorable people in this book are Israelites—the chosen nation. The fighting in this chapter included the death of Asahel. Abner (from the army of Saul) begged Asahel to stop chasing him. He refused so Abner speared him “and he died right there.” Three hundred eighty men died in this chapter—all of whom should have been fighting a common enemy. Fighting among ourselves does not end well. And sometimes the end comes because of our own stubborn blindness. Remember Asahel.

2 Samuel 1: A Song for Those Who Grieve

There were people in David’s life who thought that he would rejoice if he found out that his enemies were dead. The messenger who brought the news that Saul and Jonathan were dead even tried to take credit for it. After the messenger met his own fate, David sang a dirge—a song of lament and grief for the man who had tried to kill him for years (Saul) and for his son (Jonathan), David’s best friend ever. This song will help you to learn how grief can be expressed and handled.

1 Samuel 31: It's Over

The reign and life of Saul ends with his death, as well as the deaths of three of his sons. One of them was the great and honorable friend of David—Jonathan. Given all of the spiritual tragedies of Saul’s life, you might think we ought to feel some relief now that it was over. But not so, as the beginning of 2 Samuel will reveal. Saul’s adult life was full of suffering, much of which he brought upon himself. All of us cause some of our own suffering. We would do well to learn from Saul how not to deal with it.

1 Samuel 30: Equal Pay for Equal Work

Some “worthless men” (v. 22) who were with David after winning the battle against Amalek did not want those who stayed behind (because that was their job) to receive equal shares of the plunder they recovered in the battle. David reminded them that the victory was actually won by Jehovah, and that all would share equally! This then became a perpetual law in Israel (vv. 23-35). It was simple; it was fair; so they just did it.

1 Samuel 29: We Need to Break This Up

We now go back to the alliance between David and Achish (chapter 27). It seems that it was going well, and the Philistine believed that David was a good man (v. 6). The Philistine uses the “as the Lord lives” phrase that was our meditation for chapter 26 (which is used in the life of David more than all the rest of the Old Testament). Some of the Philistines were suspicious of David, so they pressured Achish to sever the friendship, and he did. Suspicious people are not worth imitating and do not need to be our advisors.

1 Samuel 28: The Lord Didn't Answer, So I'll Go to a Witch

Saul’s practice had become that of a man who did not listen well or obey the things that God told him. Here, he is afraid of the Philistines but gets no response from Jehovah about his fears. Rather than repenting, waiting, or doing something else that was right—he went to a woman who claimed to be able to contact the dead. Maybe he could get a message from Samuel, who had died. God allowed Samuel to go—and he told him what he already knew about his condition. The lesson is not an endorsement to get involved with the occult—but to see the wretched consequences of persisting in rebellion against God.

1 Samuel 27: You Don't Have to Tell All You Know

This brief record tells of an alliance that David made with the king of Gath (in Philistia). Some have accused David of lying to Achish in this story. But they forget that we do not have to tell everything we know to people every time they want to know something—especially real or potential enemies! A very wise Christian woman I know says, “You don’t have to tell all you know.”

1 Samuel 26: As the Lord Lives...

These words were spoken by David when he made a clear commitment to his friend Abishai that he would never harm King Saul because he was Jehovah’s anointed (v. 10). He was going to leave the removing of Saul from his kingship in the hands of God. But the phrase is the basis of our meditation: God is—He lives—I know He lives—and “as” (since) He lives, I will do certain things, I will not do certain things, and I will leave God’s business up to Him.

1 Samuel 25: Nabal Was a Fool

According to Nabal’s wife, Abigail, his name means “Fool.” It is a mystery to me how anyone would get such a name, but he did. Why didn’t he change it? And, why in the world did he live up to it as she said he did (v. 25)? In addition to being the name of a man, this word is used to describe a variety of foolish ways: Deuteronomy 32:6,21; 2 Samuel 3:33; 13:13; Job 2:10; 30:8; Psalm 14:1; 39:8; 53:1; 74:18,22; Proverbs 17:7,21; 30:22; Isaiah 32:5-6; Jeremiah 17:11; Ezekiel 13:3.

1 Samuel 24: You Are More Righteous Than I Am

These words were spoken by Saul to David (v. 17). They are true words, but they are more than that. I say this because Saul made several comments in this book revealing how much he really knew about God, right and wrong, and how God expected him to live. There are many people whose knowledge is far above their lifestyles. They do know better, but they continue choosing wrong, terrible paths. “O Lord, help me to examine myself as I meditate through this reading.”

1 Samuel 23: The Rock of Separation

Saul had become a man who searched for David every day, but God would not hand David over to him (v. 14). When he got close, he was told that the Philistines were causing trouble, so Saul chased them instead. The place where he made the choice became known as the “Rock of Separation.” The list of things that separated Saul and David is lengthy, but it begins with their attitudes toward God. Pursuing ideals that separate us from those who serve God will separate us from Him, too.

1 Samuel 22: Everyone Is Against Me: Boo Hoo

During the rest of this book, we will continue to see Saul spiral out of control. This is surely one of the saddest readings as he feels more and more self-pity. Then he orders the murder of 85 men of the priestly tribe—and the killer was an Edomite who was now working as one of Saul’s guards. There is more to this short story, and it will not be a pleasant reading. A lesson? How about the lesson of humbling self and getting help from good people (including the elders) before we hurt anybody?

1 Samuel 21: My Ox Is in the Well

Jesus often encountered people who thought that their views of right and wrong were better than His. When it came to what could or could not be done on the Sabbath, they clashed regularly. So, He would ask or be asked about “working” on the Sabbath. In Matthew 12, He referred to this reading in order to teach them the simplicity of the answer. In Luke 14 it came up again when He asked them if they would rescue an ox from the well on the Sabbath. If they had no problem with that which was done with the holy bread here, they should have had no problem with Jesus. What is more important to me: the will of God or the traditions in my heart?

1 Samuel 20: The Good, the Bad, and Me

The goodness of Jonathan and the badness of his father are pitted against one another in the struggle over David. There really are people who want the best for me, and there really are people who don’t. Learning this is critical. Trusting in people who deserve our trust is assuring (verse 42). And the battle “for” me is on. Let me be wise and careful (Ephesians 5:15-17).

1 Samuel 19: Spirits Are Everywhere

This chapter speaks of an evil spirit (verse 9), the Spirit of God (verse 20), as well as the implied battle for the spirits of the people who play various roles in this chapter. While we do not know the specific things that take place in the spiritual battles for our souls today, we do need to know that both sides want our allegiance (2 Corinthians 10:1-6). Let us choose to wear the armor of God and be on the winning side (Ephesians 6:10-20).